
164th Ayah from Surah Al An'am

قُلۡ أَغَيۡرَ ٱللَّهِ أَبۡغِي رَبّٗا وَهُوَ رَبُّ كُلِّ شَيۡءٖۚ وَلَا تَكۡسِبُ كُلُّ نَفۡسٍ إِلَّا عَلَيۡهَاۚ وَلَا تَزِرُ وَازِرَةٞ وِزۡرَ أُخۡرَىٰۚ ثُمَّ إِلَىٰ رَبِّكُم مَّرۡجِعُكُمۡ فَيُنَبِّئُكُم بِمَا كُنتُمۡ فِيهِ تَخۡتَلِفُونَ ١٦٤
Qul 'Aghayra Al-Lahi 'Abghī Rabbāan Wa Huwa Rabbu Kulli Shay'in  ۚ  Wa Lā Taksibu Kullu Nafsin 'Illā `Alayhā  ۚ  Wa Lā Taziru Wāziratun Wizra 'Ukhrá  ۚ  Thumma 'Ilá Rabbikum Marji`ukum Fayunabbi'ukum Bimā Kuntum Fīhi Takhtalifūna

Sahih International

Say, "Is it other than Allah I should desire as a lord while He is the Lord of all things? And every soul earns not [blame] except against itself, and no bearer of burdens will bear the burden of another. Then to your Lord is your return, and He will inform you concerning that over which you used to differ."

Abdul Haleem

Say, ‘Should I seek a Lord other than God, when He is the Lord of all things?’ Each soul is responsible for its own actions; no soul will bear the burden of another. You will all return to your Lord in the end, and He will tell you the truth about your differences.

Mohsin Khan/Hilali

Say: "Shall I seek a lord other than Allah, while He is the Lord of all things? No person earns any (sin) except against himself (only), and no bearer of burdens shall bear the burden of another. Then unto your Lord is your return, so He will tell you that wherein you have been differing."

Taqi Usmani

Say, “Should I seek a lord other than Allah while He is the Lord of everything? And nobody does anything but to his own account, and no bearer of burden shall bear the burden of another. Then to your Lord is your return. Then He will let you know what you were disputing about.”

Listen to 164th Ayah from Surah Al An'am
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