
Surah An Nisa

يَٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلنَّاسُ ٱتَّقُواْ رَبَّكُمُ ٱلَّذِي خَلَقَكُم مِّن نَّفۡسٖ وَٰحِدَةٖ وَخَلَقَ مِنۡهَا زَوۡجَهَا وَبَثَّ مِنۡهُمَا رِجَالٗا كَثِيرٗا وَنِسَآءٗۚ وَٱتَّقُواْ ٱللَّهَ ٱلَّذِي تَسَآءَلُونَ بِهِۦ وَٱلۡأَرۡحَامَۚ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ كَانَ عَلَيۡكُمۡ رَقِيبٗا ١
Yā 'Ayyuhā An-Nāsu Attaqū Rabbakumu Al-Ladhī Khalaqakum Min Nafsin Wāĥidatin Wa Khalaqa Minhā Zawjahā Wa Baththa Minhumā Rijālāan Kathīrāan Wa Nisā'an Wa Attaqū Al-Laha Al-Ladhī Tatasā'alūna Bihi Wa Al-'Arĥāma 'Inna Al-Laha Kāna `Alaykum Raqībāan
O mankind, fear your Lord, who created you from one soul and created from it its mate and dispersed from both of them many men and women. And fear Allah, through whom you ask one another, and the wombs. Indeed Allah is ever, over you, an Observer.
وَءَاتُواْ ٱلۡيَتَٰمَىٰٓ أَمۡوَٰلَهُمۡۖ وَلَا تَتَبَدَّلُواْ ٱلۡخَبِيثَ بِٱلطَّيِّبِۖ وَلَا تَأۡكُلُوٓاْ أَمۡوَٰلَهُمۡ إِلَىٰٓ أَمۡوَٰلِكُمۡۚ إِنَّهُۥ كَانَ حُوبٗا كَبِيرٗا ٢
Wa 'Ātū Al-Yatāmá 'Amwālahum  ۖ  Wa Lā Tatabaddalū Al-Khabītha Biţ-Ţayyibi  ۖ  Wa Lā Ta'kulū 'Amwālahum 'Ilá 'Amwālikum  ۚ  'Innahu Kāna Ĥūbāan Kabīrāan
And give to the orphans their properties and do not substitute the defective [of your own] for the good [of theirs]. And do not consume their properties into your own. Indeed, that is ever a great sin.
وَإِنۡ خِفۡتُمۡ أَلَّا تُقۡسِطُواْ فِي ٱلۡيَتَٰمَىٰ فَٱنكِحُواْ مَا طَابَ لَكُم مِّنَ ٱلنِّسَآءِ مَثۡنَىٰ وَثُلَٰثَ وَرُبَٰعَۖ فَإِنۡ خِفۡتُمۡ أَلَّا تَعۡدِلُواْ فَوَٰحِدَةً أَوۡ مَا مَلَكَتۡ أَيۡمَٰنُكُمۡۚ ذَٰلِكَ أَدۡنَىٰٓ أَلَّا تَعُولُواْ ٣
Wa 'In Khiftum 'Allā Tuqsiţū Fī Al-Yatāmá Fānkiĥū Mā Ţāba Lakum Mina An-Nisā' Mathná Wa Thulātha Wa Rubā`a  ۖ  Fa'in Khiftum 'Allā Ta`dilū Fawāĥidatan 'Aw Mā Malakat 'Aymānukum  ۚ  Dhālika 'Adná 'Allā Ta`ūlū
And if you fear that you will not deal justly with the orphan girls, then marry those that please you of [other] women, two or three or four. But if you fear that you will not be just, then [marry only] one or those your right hand possesses. That is more suitable that you may not incline [to injustice].
وَءَاتُواْ ٱلنِّسَآءَ صَدُقَٰتِهِنَّ نِحۡلَةٗۚ فَإِن طِبۡنَ لَكُمۡ عَن شَيۡءٖ مِّنۡهُ نَفۡسٗا فَكُلُوهُ هَنِيٓـٔٗا مَّرِيٓـٔٗا ٤
Wa 'Ātū An-Nisā' Şaduqātihinna Niĥlatan  ۚ  Fa'in Ţibna Lakum `An Shay'in Minhu Nafsāan Fakulūhu Hanī'āan Marī'āan
And give the women [upon marriage] their [bridal] gifts graciously. But if they give up willingly to you anything of it, then take it in satisfaction and ease.
وَلَا تُؤۡتُواْ ٱلسُّفَهَآءَ أَمۡوَٰلَكُمُ ٱلَّتِي جَعَلَ ٱللَّهُ لَكُمۡ قِيَٰمٗا وَٱرۡزُقُوهُمۡ فِيهَا وَٱكۡسُوهُمۡ وَقُولُواْ لَهُمۡ قَوۡلٗا مَّعۡرُوفٗا ٥
Wa Lā Tu'utū As-Sufahā'a 'Amwālakumu Allatī Ja`ala Al-Lahu Lakum Qiyāmāan Wa Arzuqūhum Fīhā Wa Aksūhum Wa Qūlū Lahum Qawlāan Ma`rūfāan
And do not give the weak-minded your property, which Allah has made a means of sustenance for you, but provide for them with it and clothe them and speak to them words of appropriate kindness.
وَٱبۡتَلُواْ ٱلۡيَتَٰمَىٰ حَتَّىٰٓ إِذَا بَلَغُواْ ٱلنِّكَاحَ فَإِنۡ ءَانَسۡتُم مِّنۡهُمۡ رُشۡدٗا فَٱدۡفَعُوٓاْ إِلَيۡهِمۡ أَمۡوَٰلَهُمۡۖ وَلَا تَأۡكُلُوهَآ إِسۡرَافٗا وَبِدَارًا أَن يَكۡبَرُواْۚ وَمَن كَانَ غَنِيّٗا فَلۡيَسۡتَعۡفِفۡۖ وَمَن كَانَ فَقِيرٗا فَلۡيَأۡكُلۡ بِٱلۡمَعۡرُوفِۚ فَإِذَا دَفَعۡتُمۡ إِلَيۡهِمۡ أَمۡوَٰلَهُمۡ فَأَشۡهِدُواْ عَلَيۡهِمۡۚ وَكَفَىٰ بِٱللَّهِ حَسِيبٗا ٦
Wa Abtalū Al-Yatāmá Ĥattá 'Idhā Balaghū An-Nikāĥa Fa'in 'Ānastum Minhum Rushdāan Fādfa`ū 'Ilayhim 'Amwālahum  ۖ  Wa Lā Ta'kulūhā 'Isrāfāan Wa Bidārāan 'An Yakbarū  ۚ  Wa Man Kāna Ghanīyāan Falyasta`fif  ۖ  Wa Man Kāna Faqīrāan Falya'kul Bil-Ma`rūfi  ۚ  Fa'idhā Dafa`tum 'Ilayhim 'Amwālahum Fa'ash/hidū `Alayhim  ۚ  Wa Kafá Bil-Lahi Ĥasībāan
And test the orphans [in their abilities] until they reach marriageable age. Then if you perceive in them sound judgement, release their property to them. And do not consume it excessively and quickly, [anticipating] that they will grow up. And whoever, [when acting as guardian], is self-sufficient should refrain [from taking a fee]; and whoever is poor - let him take according to what is acceptable. Then when you release their property to them, bring witnesses upon them. And sufficient is Allah as Accountant.
لِّلرِّجَالِ نَصِيبٞ مِّمَّا تَرَكَ ٱلۡوَٰلِدَانِ وَٱلۡأَقۡرَبُونَ وَلِلنِّسَآءِ نَصِيبٞ مِّمَّا تَرَكَ ٱلۡوَٰلِدَانِ وَٱلۡأَقۡرَبُونَ مِمَّا قَلَّ مِنۡهُ أَوۡ كَثُرَۚ نَصِيبٗا مَّفۡرُوضٗا ٧
Lilrrijāli Naşībun Mimmā Taraka Al-Wālidāni Wa Al-'Aqrabūna Wa Lilnnisā'i Naşībun Mimmā Taraka Al-Wālidāni Wa Al-'Aqrabūna Mimmā Qalla Minhu 'Aw Kathura  ۚ  Naşībāan Mafrūđāan
For men is a share of what the parents and close relatives leave, and for women is a share of what the parents and close relatives leave, be it little or much - an obligatory share.
وَإِذَا حَضَرَ ٱلۡقِسۡمَةَ أُوْلُواْ ٱلۡقُرۡبَىٰ وَٱلۡيَتَٰمَىٰ وَٱلۡمَسَٰكِينُ فَٱرۡزُقُوهُم مِّنۡهُ وَقُولُواْ لَهُمۡ قَوۡلٗا مَّعۡرُوفٗا ٨
Wa 'Idhā Ĥađara Al-Qismata 'Ūlū Al-Qurbá Wa Al-Yatāmá Wa Al-Masākīnu Fārzuqūhum Minhu Wa Qūlū Lahum Qawlāan Ma`rūfāan
And when [other] relatives and orphans and the needy are present at the [time of] division, then provide for them [something] out of the estate and speak to them words of appropriate kindness.
وَلۡيَخۡشَ ٱلَّذِينَ لَوۡ تَرَكُواْ مِنۡ خَلۡفِهِمۡ ذُرِّيَّةٗ ضِعَٰفًا خَافُواْ عَلَيۡهِمۡ فَلۡيَتَّقُواْ ٱللَّهَ وَلۡيَقُولُواْ قَوۡلٗا سَدِيدًا ٩
Wa Līakhsha Al-Ladhīna Law Tarakū Min Khalfihim Dhurrīyatan Đi`āfāan Khāfū `Alayhim Falyattaqū Al-Laha Wa Līaqūlū Qawlāan Sadīdāan
And let those [executors and guardians] fear [injustice] as if they [themselves] had left weak offspring behind and feared for them. So let them fear Allah and speak words of appropriate justice.
إِنَّ ٱلَّذِينَ يَأۡكُلُونَ أَمۡوَٰلَ ٱلۡيَتَٰمَىٰ ظُلۡمًا إِنَّمَا يَأۡكُلُونَ فِي بُطُونِهِمۡ نَارٗاۖ وَسَيَصۡلَوۡنَ سَعِيرٗا ١٠
'Inna Al-Ladhīna Ya'kulūna 'Amwāla Al-Yatāmá Žulmāan 'Innamā Ya'kulūna Fī Buţūnihim Nārāan  ۖ  Wa Sayaşlawna Sa`īrāan
Indeed, those who devour the property of orphans unjustly are only consuming into their bellies fire. And they will be burned in a Blaze.
يُوصِيكُمُ ٱللَّهُ فِيٓ أَوۡلَٰدِكُمۡۖ لِلذَّكَرِ مِثۡلُ حَظِّ ٱلۡأُنثَيَيۡنِۚ فَإِن كُنَّ نِسَآءٗ فَوۡقَ ٱثۡنَتَيۡنِ فَلَهُنَّ ثُلُثَا مَا تَرَكَۖ وَإِن كَانَتۡ وَٰحِدَةٗ فَلَهَا ٱلنِّصۡفُۚ وَلِأَبَوَيۡهِ لِكُلِّ وَٰحِدٖ مِّنۡهُمَا ٱلسُّدُسُ مِمَّا تَرَكَ إِن كَانَ لَهُۥ وَلَدٞۚ فَإِن لَّمۡ يَكُن لَّهُۥ وَلَدٞ وَوَرِثَهُۥٓ أَبَوَاهُ فَلِأُمِّهِ ٱلثُّلُثُۚ فَإِن كَانَ لَهُۥٓ إِخۡوَةٞ فَلِأُمِّهِ ٱلسُّدُسُۚ مِنۢ بَعۡدِ وَصِيَّةٖ يُوصِي بِهَآ أَوۡ دَيۡنٍۗ ءَابَآؤُكُمۡ وَأَبۡنَآؤُكُمۡ لَا تَدۡرُونَ أَيُّهُمۡ أَقۡرَبُ لَكُمۡ نَفۡعٗاۚ فَرِيضَةٗ مِّنَ ٱللَّهِۗ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ كَانَ عَلِيمًا حَكِيمٗا ١١
Yūşīkumu Al-Lahu Fī 'Awlādikum  ۖ  Lildhdhakari Mithlu Ĥažži Al-'Unthayayni  ۚ  Fa'in Kunna Nisā'an Fawqa Athnatayni Falahunna Thuluthā Mā Taraka  ۖ  Wa 'In Kānat Wāĥidatan Falahā An-Nişfu  ۚ  Wa Li'abawayhi Likulli Wāĥidin Minhumā As-Sudusu Mimmā Taraka 'In Kāna Lahu Waladun  ۚ  Fa'in Lam Yakun Lahu Waladun Wa Warithahu 'Abawāhu Fali'ammihi Ath-Thuluthu  ۚ  Fa'in Kāna Lahu 'Ikhwatun Fali'ammihi As-Sudusu  ۚ  Min Ba`di Waşīyatin Yūşī Bihā 'Aw Daynin  ۗ  'Ābā'uukum Wa 'Abnā'uukum Lā Tadrūna 'Ayyuhum 'Aqrabu Lakum Naf`āan  ۚ  Farīđatan Mina Al-Lahi  ۗ  'Inna Al-Laha Kāna `Alīmāan Ĥakīmāan
Allah instructs you concerning your children: for the male, what is equal to the share of two females. But if there are [only] daughters, two or more, for them is two thirds of one's estate. And if there is only one, for her is half. And for one's parents, to each one of them is a sixth of his estate if he left children. But if he had no children and the parents [alone] inherit from him, then for his mother is one third. And if he had brothers [or sisters], for his mother is a sixth, after any bequest he [may have] made or debt. Your parents or your children - you know not which of them are nearest to you in benefit. [These shares are] an obligation [imposed] by Allah . Indeed, Allah is ever Knowing and Wise.
۞ وَلَكُمۡ نِصۡفُ مَا تَرَكَ أَزۡوَٰجُكُمۡ إِن لَّمۡ يَكُن لَّهُنَّ وَلَدٞۚ فَإِن كَانَ لَهُنَّ وَلَدٞ فَلَكُمُ ٱلرُّبُعُ مِمَّا تَرَكۡنَۚ مِنۢ بَعۡدِ وَصِيَّةٖ يُوصِينَ بِهَآ أَوۡ دَيۡنٖۚ وَلَهُنَّ ٱلرُّبُعُ مِمَّا تَرَكۡتُمۡ إِن لَّمۡ يَكُن لَّكُمۡ وَلَدٞۚ فَإِن كَانَ لَكُمۡ وَلَدٞ فَلَهُنَّ ٱلثُّمُنُ مِمَّا تَرَكۡتُمۚ مِّنۢ بَعۡدِ وَصِيَّةٖ تُوصُونَ بِهَآ أَوۡ دَيۡنٖۗ وَإِن كَانَ رَجُلٞ يُورَثُ كَلَٰلَةً أَوِ ٱمۡرَأَةٞ وَلَهُۥٓ أَخٌ أَوۡ أُخۡتٞ فَلِكُلِّ وَٰحِدٖ مِّنۡهُمَا ٱلسُّدُسُۚ فَإِن كَانُوٓاْ أَكۡثَرَ مِن ذَٰلِكَ فَهُمۡ شُرَكَآءُ فِي ٱلثُّلُثِۚ مِنۢ بَعۡدِ وَصِيَّةٖ يُوصَىٰ بِهَآ أَوۡ دَيۡنٍ غَيۡرَ مُضَآرّٖۚ وَصِيَّةٗ مِّنَ ٱللَّهِۗ وَٱللَّهُ عَلِيمٌ حَلِيمٞ ١٢
Wa Lakum Nişfu Mā Taraka 'Azwājukum 'In Lam Yakun Lahunna Waladun  ۚ  Fa'in Kāna Lahunna Waladun Falakumu Ar-Rubu`u Mimmā Tarakna  ۚ  Min Ba`di Waşīyatin Yūşīna Bihā 'Aw Daynin  ۚ  Wa Lahunna Ar-Rubu`u Mimmā Taraktum 'In Lam Yakun Lakum Waladun  ۚ  Fa'in Kāna Lakum Waladun Falahunna Ath-Thumunu Mimmā Taraktum  ۚ  Min Ba`di Waşīyatin Tūşūna Bihā 'Aw Daynin  ۗ  Wa 'In Kāna Rajulun Yūrathu Kalālatan 'Aw Amra'atun Wa Lahu 'Akhun 'Aw 'Ukhtun Falikulli Wāĥidin Minhumā As-Sudusu  ۚ  Fa'in Kānū 'Akthara Min Dhālika Fahum Shurakā'u Fī Ath-Thuluthi  ۚ  Min Ba`di Waşīyatin Yūşá Bihā 'Aw Daynin Ghayra Muđārrin  ۚ  Waşīyatan Mina Al-Lahi Wa  ۗ  Allāhu `Alīmun Ĥalīmun
And for you is half of what your wives leave if they have no child. But if they have a child, for you is one fourth of what they leave, after any bequest they [may have] made or debt. And for the wives is one fourth if you leave no child. But if you leave a child, then for them is an eighth of what you leave, after any bequest you [may have] made or debt. And if a man or woman leaves neither ascendants nor descendants but has a brother or a sister, then for each one of them is a sixth. But if they are more than two, they share a third, after any bequest which was made or debt, as long as there is no detriment [caused]. [This is] an ordinance from Allah, and Allah is Knowing and Forbearing.
تِلۡكَ حُدُودُ ٱللَّهِۚ وَمَن يُطِعِ ٱللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُۥ يُدۡخِلۡهُ جَنَّٰتٖ تَجۡرِي مِن تَحۡتِهَا ٱلۡأَنۡهَٰرُ خَٰلِدِينَ فِيهَاۚ وَذَٰلِكَ ٱلۡفَوۡزُ ٱلۡعَظِيمُ ١٣
Tilka Ĥudūdu Al-Lahi  ۚ  Wa Man Yuţi`i Al-Laha Wa Rasūlahu Yudkhilhu Jannātin Tajrī Min Taĥtihā Al-'Anhāru Khālidīna Fīhā  ۚ  Wa Dhalika Al-Fawzu Al-`Ažīmu
These are the limits [set by] Allah, and whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger will be admitted by Him to gardens [in Paradise] under which rivers flow, abiding eternally therein; and that is the great attainment.
وَمَن يَعۡصِ ٱللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُۥ وَيَتَعَدَّ حُدُودَهُۥ يُدۡخِلۡهُ نَارًا خَٰلِدٗا فِيهَا وَلَهُۥ عَذَابٞ مُّهِينٞ ١٤
Wa Man Ya`şi Al-Laha Wa Rasūlahu Wa Yata`adda Ĥudūdahu Yudkhilhu Nārāan Khālidāan Fīhā Wa Lahu `Adhābun Muhīnun
And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger and transgresses His limits - He will put him into the Fire to abide eternally therein, and he will have a humiliating punishment.
وَٱلَّٰتِي يَأۡتِينَ ٱلۡفَٰحِشَةَ مِن نِّسَآئِكُمۡ فَٱسۡتَشۡهِدُواْ عَلَيۡهِنَّ أَرۡبَعَةٗ مِّنكُمۡۖ فَإِن شَهِدُواْ فَأَمۡسِكُوهُنَّ فِي ٱلۡبُيُوتِ حَتَّىٰ يَتَوَفَّىٰهُنَّ ٱلۡمَوۡتُ أَوۡ يَجۡعَلَ ٱللَّهُ لَهُنَّ سَبِيلٗا ١٥
Wa Al-Lātī Ya'tīna Al-Fāĥishata Min Nisā'ikum Fāstash/hidū `Alayhinna 'Arba`atan  ۖ  Minkum Fa'in Shahidū Fa'amsikūhunna Fī Al-Buyūti Ĥattá Yatawaffāhunna Al-Mawtu 'Aw Yaj`ala Al-Lahu Lahunna Sabīlāan
Those who commit unlawful sexual intercourse of your women - bring against them four [witnesses] from among you. And if they testify, confine the guilty women to houses until death takes them or Allah ordains for them [another] way.
وَٱلَّذَانِ يَأۡتِيَٰنِهَا مِنكُمۡ فَـَٔاذُوهُمَاۖ فَإِن تَابَا وَأَصۡلَحَا فَأَعۡرِضُواْ عَنۡهُمَآۗ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ كَانَ تَوَّابٗا رَّحِيمًا ١٦
Wa Al-Ladhāni Ya'tiyānihā Minkum  ۖ  Fa'ādhūhumā Fa'in Tābā Wa 'Aşlaĥā Fa'a`riđū  ۗ  `Anhumā 'Inna Al-Laha Kāna Tawwābāan Raĥīmāan
And the two who commit it among you, dishonor them both. But if they repent and correct themselves, leave them alone. Indeed, Allah is ever Accepting of repentance and Merciful.
إِنَّمَا ٱلتَّوۡبَةُ عَلَى ٱللَّهِ لِلَّذِينَ يَعۡمَلُونَ ٱلسُّوٓءَ بِجَهَٰلَةٖ ثُمَّ يَتُوبُونَ مِن قَرِيبٖ فَأُوْلَٰٓئِكَ يَتُوبُ ٱللَّهُ عَلَيۡهِمۡۗ وَكَانَ ٱللَّهُ عَلِيمًا حَكِيمٗا ١٧
'Innamā At-Tawbatu `Alá Al-Lahi Lilladhīna Ya`malūna As-Sū'a Bijahālatin Thumma Yatūbūna Min Qarībin Fa'ūlā'ika Yatūbu Al-Lahu `Alayhim  ۗ  Wa Kāna Al-Lahu `Alīmāan Ĥakīmāan
The repentance accepted by Allah is only for those who do wrong in ignorance [or carelessness] and then repent soon after. It is those to whom Allah will turn in forgiveness, and Allah is ever Knowing and Wise.
وَلَيۡسَتِ ٱلتَّوۡبَةُ لِلَّذِينَ يَعۡمَلُونَ ٱلسَّيِّـَٔاتِ حَتَّىٰٓ إِذَا حَضَرَ أَحَدَهُمُ ٱلۡمَوۡتُ قَالَ إِنِّي تُبۡتُ ٱلۡـَٰٔنَ وَلَا ٱلَّذِينَ يَمُوتُونَ وَهُمۡ كُفَّارٌۚ أُوْلَٰٓئِكَ أَعۡتَدۡنَا لَهُمۡ عَذَابًا أَلِيمٗا ١٨
Wa Laysati At-Tawbatu Lilladhīna Ya`malūna As-Sayyi'āti Ĥattá 'Idhā Ĥađara 'Aĥadahumu Al-Mawtu Qāla 'Innī Tubtu Al-'Āna Wa Lā Al-Ladhīna Yamūtūna Wa Hum Kuffārun  ۚ  'Ūlā'ika 'A`tadnā Lahum `Adhābāan 'Alīmāan
But repentance is not [accepted] of those who [continue to] do evil deeds up until, when death comes to one of them, he says, "Indeed, I have repented now," or of those who die while they are disbelievers. For them We have prepared a painful punishment.
يَٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ لَا يَحِلُّ لَكُمۡ أَن تَرِثُواْ ٱلنِّسَآءَ كَرۡهٗاۖ وَلَا تَعۡضُلُوهُنَّ لِتَذۡهَبُواْ بِبَعۡضِ مَآ ءَاتَيۡتُمُوهُنَّ إِلَّآ أَن يَأۡتِينَ بِفَٰحِشَةٖ مُّبَيِّنَةٖۚ وَعَاشِرُوهُنَّ بِٱلۡمَعۡرُوفِۚ فَإِن كَرِهۡتُمُوهُنَّ فَعَسَىٰٓ أَن تَكۡرَهُواْ شَيۡـٔٗا وَيَجۡعَلَ ٱللَّهُ فِيهِ خَيۡرٗا كَثِيرٗا ١٩
Yā 'Ayyuhā Al-Ladhīna 'Āmanū Lā Yaĥillu Lakum 'An Tarithū An-Nisā' Karhāan  ۖ  Wa Lā Ta`đulūhunna Litadh/habū Biba`đi Mā 'Ātaytumūhunna 'Illā 'An Ya'tīna Bifāĥishatin Mubayyinatin  ۚ  Wa `Āshirūhunna Bil-Ma`rūfi  ۚ  Fa'in Karihtumūhunna Fa`asá 'An Takrahū Shay'āan Wa Yaj`ala Al-Lahu Fīhi Khayrāan Kathīrāan
O you who have believed, it is not lawful for you to inherit women by compulsion. And do not make difficulties for them in order to take [back] part of what you gave them unless they commit a clear immorality. And live with them in kindness. For if you dislike them - perhaps you dislike a thing and Allah makes therein much good.
وَإِنۡ أَرَدتُّمُ ٱسۡتِبۡدَالَ زَوۡجٖ مَّكَانَ زَوۡجٖ وَءَاتَيۡتُمۡ إِحۡدَىٰهُنَّ قِنطَارٗا فَلَا تَأۡخُذُواْ مِنۡهُ شَيۡـًٔاۚ أَتَأۡخُذُونَهُۥ بُهۡتَٰنٗا وَإِثۡمٗا مُّبِينٗا ٢٠
Wa 'In 'Aradtumu Astibdāla Zawjin Makāna Zawjin Wa 'Ātaytum 'Iĥdāhunna Qinţārāan Falā Ta'khudhū Minhu Shay'āan  ۚ  'Ata'khudhūnahu Buhtānāan Wa 'Ithmāan Mubīnāan
But if you want to replace one wife with another and you have given one of them a great amount [in gifts], do not take [back] from it anything. Would you take it in injustice and manifest sin?
وَكَيۡفَ تَأۡخُذُونَهُۥ وَقَدۡ أَفۡضَىٰ بَعۡضُكُمۡ إِلَىٰ بَعۡضٖ وَأَخَذۡنَ مِنكُم مِّيثَٰقًا غَلِيظٗا ٢١
Wa Kayfa Ta'khudhūnahu Wa Qad 'Afđá Ba`đukum 'Ilá Ba`đin Wa 'Akhadhna Minkum Mīthāqāan Ghalīžāan
And how could you take it while you have gone in unto each other and they have taken from you a solemn covenant?
وَلَا تَنكِحُواْ مَا نَكَحَ ءَابَآؤُكُم مِّنَ ٱلنِّسَآءِ إِلَّا مَا قَدۡ سَلَفَۚ إِنَّهُۥ كَانَ فَٰحِشَةٗ وَمَقۡتٗا وَسَآءَ سَبِيلًا ٢٢
Wa Lā Tankiĥū Mā Nakaĥa 'Ābā'uukum Mina An-Nisā' 'Illā Mā Qad Salafa  ۚ  'Innahu Kāna Fāĥishatan Wa Maqtāan Wa Sā'a Sabīlāan
And do not marry those [women] whom your fathers married, except what has already occurred. Indeed, it was an immorality and hateful [to Allah ] and was evil as a way.
حُرِّمَتۡ عَلَيۡكُمۡ أُمَّهَٰتُكُمۡ وَبَنَاتُكُمۡ وَأَخَوَٰتُكُمۡ وَعَمَّٰتُكُمۡ وَخَٰلَٰتُكُمۡ وَبَنَاتُ ٱلۡأَخِ وَبَنَاتُ ٱلۡأُخۡتِ وَأُمَّهَٰتُكُمُ ٱلَّٰتِيٓ أَرۡضَعۡنَكُمۡ وَأَخَوَٰتُكُم مِّنَ ٱلرَّضَٰعَةِ وَأُمَّهَٰتُ نِسَآئِكُمۡ وَرَبَٰٓئِبُكُمُ ٱلَّٰتِي فِي حُجُورِكُم مِّن نِّسَآئِكُمُ ٱلَّٰتِي دَخَلۡتُم بِهِنَّ فَإِن لَّمۡ تَكُونُواْ دَخَلۡتُم بِهِنَّ فَلَا جُنَاحَ عَلَيۡكُمۡ وَحَلَٰٓئِلُ أَبۡنَآئِكُمُ ٱلَّذِينَ مِنۡ أَصۡلَٰبِكُمۡ وَأَن تَجۡمَعُواْ بَيۡنَ ٱلۡأُخۡتَيۡنِ إِلَّا مَا قَدۡ سَلَفَۗ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ كَانَ غَفُورٗا رَّحِيمٗا ٢٣
Ĥurrimat `Alaykum 'Ummahātukum Wa Banātukum Wa 'Akhawātukum Wa `Ammātukum Wa Khālātukum Wa Banātu Al-'Akhi Wa Banātu Al-'Ukhti Wa 'Ummahātukumu Al-Lātī 'Arđa`nakum Wa 'Akhawātukum Mina Ar-Rađā`ati Wa 'Ummahātu Nisā'ikum Wa Rabā'ibukumu Al-Lātī Fī Ĥujūrikum Min Nisā'ikumu Al-Lātī Dakhaltum Bihinna Fa'in Lam Takūnū Dakhaltum Bihinna Falā Junāĥa `Alaykum Wa Ĥalā'ilu 'Abnā'ikumu Al-Ladhīna Min 'Aşlābikum Wa 'An Tajma`ū Bayna Al-'Ukhtayni 'Illā Mā Qad Salafa  ۗ  'Inna Al-Laha Kāna Ghafūrāan Raĥīmāan
Prohibited to you [for marriage] are your mothers, your daughters, your sisters, your father's sisters, your mother's sisters, your brother's daughters, your sister's daughters, your [milk] mothers who nursed you, your sisters through nursing, your wives' mothers, and your step-daughters under your guardianship [born] of your wives unto whom you have gone in. But if you have not gone in unto them, there is no sin upon you. And [also prohibited are] the wives of your sons who are from your [own] loins, and that you take [in marriage] two sisters simultaneously, except for what has already occurred. Indeed, Allah is ever Forgiving and Merciful.
۞ وَٱلۡمُحۡصَنَٰتُ مِنَ ٱلنِّسَآءِ إِلَّا مَا مَلَكَتۡ أَيۡمَٰنُكُمۡۖ كِتَٰبَ ٱللَّهِ عَلَيۡكُمۡۚ وَأُحِلَّ لَكُم مَّا وَرَآءَ ذَٰلِكُمۡ أَن تَبۡتَغُواْ بِأَمۡوَٰلِكُم مُّحۡصِنِينَ غَيۡرَ مُسَٰفِحِينَۚ فَمَا ٱسۡتَمۡتَعۡتُم بِهِۦ مِنۡهُنَّ فَـَٔاتُوهُنَّ أُجُورَهُنَّ فَرِيضَةٗۚ وَلَا جُنَاحَ عَلَيۡكُمۡ فِيمَا تَرَٰضَيۡتُم بِهِۦ مِنۢ بَعۡدِ ٱلۡفَرِيضَةِۚ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ كَانَ عَلِيمًا حَكِيمٗا ٢٤
Wa Al-Muĥşanātu Mina An-Nisā' 'Illā Mā Malakat  ۖ  'Aymānukum Kitāba Al-Lahi  ۚ  `Alaykum Wa 'Uĥilla Lakum Mā Warā'a Dhālikum 'An Tabtaghū Bi'amwālikum Muĥşinīna Ghayra  ۚ  Musāfiĥīna Famā Astamta`tum Bihi Minhunna Fa'ātūhunna 'Ujūrahunna  ۚ  Farīđatan Wa Lā Junāĥa `Alaykum Fīmā Tarāđaytum Bihi Min Ba`di  ۚ  Al-Farīđati 'Inna Al-Laha Kāna `Alīmāan Ĥakīmāan
And [also prohibited to you are all] married women except those your right hands possess. [This is] the decree of Allah upon you. And lawful to you are [all others] beyond these, [provided] that you seek them [in marriage] with [gifts from] your property, desiring chastity, not unlawful sexual intercourse. So for whatever you enjoy [of marriage] from them, give them their due compensation as an obligation. And there is no blame upon you for what you mutually agree to beyond the obligation. Indeed, Allah is ever Knowing and Wise.
وَمَن لَّمۡ يَسۡتَطِعۡ مِنكُمۡ طَوۡلًا أَن يَنكِحَ ٱلۡمُحۡصَنَٰتِ ٱلۡمُؤۡمِنَٰتِ فَمِن مَّا مَلَكَتۡ أَيۡمَٰنُكُم مِّن فَتَيَٰتِكُمُ ٱلۡمُؤۡمِنَٰتِۚ وَٱللَّهُ أَعۡلَمُ بِإِيمَٰنِكُمۚ بَعۡضُكُم مِّنۢ بَعۡضٖۚ فَٱنكِحُوهُنَّ بِإِذۡنِ أَهۡلِهِنَّ وَءَاتُوهُنَّ أُجُورَهُنَّ بِٱلۡمَعۡرُوفِ مُحۡصَنَٰتٍ غَيۡرَ مُسَٰفِحَٰتٖ وَلَا مُتَّخِذَٰتِ أَخۡدَانٖۚ فَإِذَآ أُحۡصِنَّ فَإِنۡ أَتَيۡنَ بِفَٰحِشَةٖ فَعَلَيۡهِنَّ نِصۡفُ مَا عَلَى ٱلۡمُحۡصَنَٰتِ مِنَ ٱلۡعَذَابِۚ ذَٰلِكَ لِمَنۡ خَشِيَ ٱلۡعَنَتَ مِنكُمۡۚ وَأَن تَصۡبِرُواْ خَيۡرٞ لَّكُمۡۗ وَٱللَّهُ غَفُورٞ رَّحِيمٞ ٢٥
Wa Man Lam Yastaţi` Minkum Ţawlāan 'An Yankiĥa Al-Muĥşanāti Al-Mu'umināti Famin Mā Malakat 'Aymānukum Min Fatayātikumu Al-Mu'umināti Wa  ۚ  Allāhu 'A`lamu Bi'īmānikum  ۚ  Ba`đukum Min Ba`đin  ۚ  Fānkiĥūhunna Bi'idhni 'Ahlihinna Wa 'Ātūhunna 'Ujūrahunna Bil-Ma`rūfi Muĥşanātin Ghayra Musāfiĥātin Wa Lā Muttakhidhāti 'Akhdānin  ۚ  Fa'idhā 'Uĥşinna Fa'in 'Atayna Bifāĥishatin Fa`alayhinna Nişfu Mā `Alá Al-Muĥşanāti Mina Al-`Adhābi  ۚ  Dhālika Liman Khashiya Al-`Anata Minkum  ۚ  Wa 'An Taşbirū Khayrun Lakum Wa  ۗ  Allāhu Ghafūrun Raĥīmun
And whoever among you cannot [find] the means to marry free, believing women, then [he may marry] from those whom your right hands possess of believing slave girls. And Allah is most knowing about your faith. You [believers] are of one another. So marry them with the permission of their people and give them their due compensation according to what is acceptable. [They should be] chaste, neither [of] those who commit unlawful intercourse randomly nor those who take [secret] lovers. But once they are sheltered in marriage, if they should commit adultery, then for them is half the punishment for free [unmarried] women. This [allowance] is for him among you who fears sin, but to be patient is better for you. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
يُرِيدُ ٱللَّهُ لِيُبَيِّنَ لَكُمۡ وَيَهۡدِيَكُمۡ سُنَنَ ٱلَّذِينَ مِن قَبۡلِكُمۡ وَيَتُوبَ عَلَيۡكُمۡۗ وَٱللَّهُ عَلِيمٌ حَكِيمٞ ٢٦
Yurīdu Al-Lahu Liyubayyina Lakum Wa Yahdiyakum Sunana Al-Ladhīna Min Qablikum Wa Yatūba `Alaykum Wa  ۗ  Allāhu `Alīmun Ĥakīmun
Allah wants to make clear to you [the lawful from the unlawful] and guide you to the [good] practices of those before you and to accept your repentance. And Allah is Knowing and Wise.
وَٱللَّهُ يُرِيدُ أَن يَتُوبَ عَلَيۡكُمۡ وَيُرِيدُ ٱلَّذِينَ يَتَّبِعُونَ ٱلشَّهَوَٰتِ أَن تَمِيلُواْ مَيۡلًا عَظِيمٗا ٢٧
Wa Allāhu Yurīdu 'An Yatūba `Alaykum Wa Yurīdu Al-Ladhīna Yattabi`ūna Ash-Shahawāti 'An Tamīlū Maylāan `Ažīmāan
Allah wants to accept your repentance, but those who follow [their] passions want you to digress [into] a great deviation.
يُرِيدُ ٱللَّهُ أَن يُخَفِّفَ عَنكُمۡۚ وَخُلِقَ ٱلۡإِنسَٰنُ ضَعِيفٗا ٢٨
Yurīdu Al-Lahu 'An Yukhaffifa `Ankum  ۚ  Wa Khuliqa Al-'Insānu Đa`īfāan
And Allah wants to lighten for you [your difficulties]; and mankind was created weak.
يَٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ لَا تَأۡكُلُوٓاْ أَمۡوَٰلَكُم بَيۡنَكُم بِٱلۡبَٰطِلِ إِلَّآ أَن تَكُونَ تِجَٰرَةً عَن تَرَاضٖ مِّنكُمۡۚ وَلَا تَقۡتُلُوٓاْ أَنفُسَكُمۡۚ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ كَانَ بِكُمۡ رَحِيمٗا ٢٩
Yā 'Ayyuhā Al-Ladhīna 'Āmanū Lā Ta'kulū 'Amwālakum Baynakum Bil-Bāţili 'Illā 'An Takūna Tijāratan `An Tarāđin Minkum  ۚ  Wa Lā Taqtulū 'Anfusakum  ۚ  'Inna Al-Laha Kāna Bikum Raĥīmāan
O you who have believed, do not consume one another's wealth unjustly but only [in lawful] business by mutual consent. And do not kill yourselves [or one another]. Indeed, Allah is to you ever Merciful.
وَمَن يَفۡعَلۡ ذَٰلِكَ عُدۡوَٰنٗا وَظُلۡمٗا فَسَوۡفَ نُصۡلِيهِ نَارٗاۚ وَكَانَ ذَٰلِكَ عَلَى ٱللَّهِ يَسِيرًا ٣٠
Wa Man Yaf`al Dhālika `Udwānāan Wa Žulmāan Fasawfa Nuşlīhi Nārāan  ۚ  Wa Kāna Dhālika `Alá Al-Lahi Yasīrāan
And whoever does that in aggression and injustice - then We will drive him into a Fire. And that, for Allah, is [always] easy.
إِن تَجۡتَنِبُواْ كَبَآئِرَ مَا تُنۡهَوۡنَ عَنۡهُ نُكَفِّرۡ عَنكُمۡ سَيِّـَٔاتِكُمۡ وَنُدۡخِلۡكُم مُّدۡخَلٗا كَرِيمٗا ٣١
'In Tajtanibū Kabā'ira Mā Tunhawna `Anhu Nukaffir `Ankum Sayyi'ātikum Wa Nudkhilkum Mudkhalāan Karīmāan
If you avoid the major sins which you are forbidden, We will remove from you your lesser sins and admit you to a noble entrance [into Paradise].
وَلَا تَتَمَنَّوۡاْ مَا فَضَّلَ ٱللَّهُ بِهِۦ بَعۡضَكُمۡ عَلَىٰ بَعۡضٖۚ لِّلرِّجَالِ نَصِيبٞ مِّمَّا ٱكۡتَسَبُواْۖ وَلِلنِّسَآءِ نَصِيبٞ مِّمَّا ٱكۡتَسَبۡنَۚ وَسۡـَٔلُواْ ٱللَّهَ مِن فَضۡلِهِۦٓۚ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ كَانَ بِكُلِّ شَيۡءٍ عَلِيمٗا ٣٢
Wa Lā Tatamannaw Mā Fađđala Al-Lahu Bihi Ba`đakum `Alá Ba`đin  ۚ  Lilrrijāli Naşībun Mimmā Aktasabū  ۖ  Wa Lilnnisā'i Naşībun Mimmā Aktasabna  ۚ  Wa As'alū Al-Laha Min Fađlihi  ۗ  'Inna Al-Laha Kāna Bikulli Shay'in `Alīmāan
And do not wish for that by which Allah has made some of you exceed others. For men is a share of what they have earned, and for women is a share of what they have earned. And ask Allah of his bounty. Indeed Allah is ever, of all things, Knowing.
وَلِكُلّٖ جَعَلۡنَا مَوَٰلِيَ مِمَّا تَرَكَ ٱلۡوَٰلِدَانِ وَٱلۡأَقۡرَبُونَۚ وَٱلَّذِينَ عَقَدَتۡ أَيۡمَٰنُكُمۡ فَـَٔاتُوهُمۡ نَصِيبَهُمۡۚ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ كَانَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَيۡءٖ شَهِيدًا ٣٣
Wa Likullin Ja`alnā Mawāliya Mimmā Taraka Al-Wālidāni Wa Al-'Aqrabūna Wa  ۚ  Al-Ladhīna `Aqadat 'Aymānukum Fa'ātūhum Naşībahum  ۚ  'Inna Al-Laha Kāna `Alá Kulli Shay'in Shahīdāan
And for all, We have made heirs to what is left by parents and relatives. And to those whom your oaths have bound [to you] - give them their share. Indeed Allah is ever, over all things, a Witness.
ٱلرِّجَالُ قَوَّٰمُونَ عَلَى ٱلنِّسَآءِ بِمَا فَضَّلَ ٱللَّهُ بَعۡضَهُمۡ عَلَىٰ بَعۡضٖ وَبِمَآ أَنفَقُواْ مِنۡ أَمۡوَٰلِهِمۡۚ فَٱلصَّٰلِحَٰتُ قَٰنِتَٰتٌ حَٰفِظَٰتٞ لِّلۡغَيۡبِ بِمَا حَفِظَ ٱللَّهُۚ وَٱلَّٰتِي تَخَافُونَ نُشُوزَهُنَّ فَعِظُوهُنَّ وَٱهۡجُرُوهُنَّ فِي ٱلۡمَضَاجِعِ وَٱضۡرِبُوهُنَّۖ فَإِنۡ أَطَعۡنَكُمۡ فَلَا تَبۡغُواْ عَلَيۡهِنَّ سَبِيلًاۗ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ كَانَ عَلِيّٗا كَبِيرٗا ٣٤
Ar-Rijālu Qawwāmūna `Alá An-Nisā' Bimā Fađđala Al-Lahu Ba`đahum `Alá Ba`đin Wa Bimā 'Anfaqū Min 'Amwālihim  ۚ  Fālşşāliĥātu Qānitātun Ĥāfižātun Lilghaybi Bimā Ĥafiža Al-Lahu Wa  ۚ  Al-Lātī Takhāfūna Nushūzahunna Fa`ižūhunna Wa Ahjurūhunna Fī Al-Mađāji`i Wa Ađribūhunna  ۖ  Fa'in 'Aţa`nakum Falā Tabghū `Alayhinna Sabīlāan  ۗ  'Inna Al-Laha Kāna `Alīyāan Kabīrāan
Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husband's] absence what Allah would have them guard. But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance - [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], strike them. But if they obey you [once more], seek no means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand.
وَإِنۡ خِفۡتُمۡ شِقَاقَ بَيۡنِهِمَا فَٱبۡعَثُواْ حَكَمٗا مِّنۡ أَهۡلِهِۦ وَحَكَمٗا مِّنۡ أَهۡلِهَآ إِن يُرِيدَآ إِصۡلَٰحٗا يُوَفِّقِ ٱللَّهُ بَيۡنَهُمَآۗ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ كَانَ عَلِيمًا خَبِيرٗا ٣٥
Wa 'In Khiftum Shiqāqa Baynihimā Fāb`athū Ĥakamāan Min 'Ahlihi Wa Ĥakamāan Min 'Ahlihā 'In Yurīdā 'Işlāĥāan Yuwaffiqi Al-Lahu Baynahumā  ۗ  'Inna Al-Laha Kāna `Alīmāan Khabīrāan
And if you fear dissension between the two, send an arbitrator from his people and an arbitrator from her people. If they both desire reconciliation, Allah will cause it between them. Indeed, Allah is ever Knowing and Acquainted [with all things].
۞ وَٱعۡبُدُواْ ٱللَّهَ وَلَا تُشۡرِكُواْ بِهِۦ شَيۡـٔٗاۖ وَبِٱلۡوَٰلِدَيۡنِ إِحۡسَٰنٗا وَبِذِي ٱلۡقُرۡبَىٰ وَٱلۡيَتَٰمَىٰ وَٱلۡمَسَٰكِينِ وَٱلۡجَارِ ذِي ٱلۡقُرۡبَىٰ وَٱلۡجَارِ ٱلۡجُنُبِ وَٱلصَّاحِبِ بِٱلۡجَنۢبِ وَٱبۡنِ ٱلسَّبِيلِ وَمَا مَلَكَتۡ أَيۡمَٰنُكُمۡۗ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ لَا يُحِبُّ مَن كَانَ مُخۡتَالٗا فَخُورًا ٣٦
Wa A`budū Al-Laha Wa Lā Tushrikū Bihi Shay'āan  ۖ  Wa Bil-Wālidayni 'Iĥsānāan Wa Bidhī Al-Qurbá Wa Al-Yatāmá Wa Al-Masākīni Wa Al-Jāri Dhī Al-Qurbá Wa Al-Jāri Al-Junubi Wa Aş-Şāĥibi Bil-Janbi Wa Abni As-Sabīli Wa Mā Malakat 'Aymānukum  ۗ  'Inna Al-Laha Lā Yuĥibbu Man Kāna Mukhtālāan Fakhūrāan
Worship Allah and associate nothing with Him, and to parents do good, and to relatives, orphans, the needy, the near neighbor, the neighbor farther away, the companion at your side, the traveler, and those whom your right hands possess. Indeed, Allah does not like those who are self-deluding and boastful.
ٱلَّذِينَ يَبۡخَلُونَ وَيَأۡمُرُونَ ٱلنَّاسَ بِٱلۡبُخۡلِ وَيَكۡتُمُونَ مَآ ءَاتَىٰهُمُ ٱللَّهُ مِن فَضۡلِهِۦۗ وَأَعۡتَدۡنَا لِلۡكَٰفِرِينَ عَذَابٗا مُّهِينٗا ٣٧
Al-Ladhīna Yabkhalūna Wa Ya'murūna An-Nāsa Bil-Bukhli Wa Yaktumūna Mā 'Ātāhumu Al-Lahu Min Fađlihi  ۗ  Wa 'A`tadnā Lilkāfirīna `Adhābāan Muhīnāan
Who are stingy and enjoin upon [other] people stinginess and conceal what Allah has given them of His bounty - and We have prepared for the disbelievers a humiliating punishment -
وَٱلَّذِينَ يُنفِقُونَ أَمۡوَٰلَهُمۡ رِئَآءَ ٱلنَّاسِ وَلَا يُؤۡمِنُونَ بِٱللَّهِ وَلَا بِٱلۡيَوۡمِ ٱلۡأٓخِرِۗ وَمَن يَكُنِ ٱلشَّيۡطَٰنُ لَهُۥ قَرِينٗا فَسَآءَ قَرِينٗا ٣٨
Wa Al-Ladhīna Yunfiqūna 'Amwālahum Ri'ā'a An-Nāsi Wa Lā Yu'uminūna Bil-Lahi Wa Lā Bil-Yawmi  ۗ  Al-'Ākhiri Wa Man Yakuni Ash-Shayţānu Lahu Qarīnāan Fasā'a Qarīnāan
And [also] those who spend of their wealth to be seen by the people and believe not in Allah nor in the Last Day. And he to whom Satan is a companion - then evil is he as a companion.
وَمَاذَا عَلَيۡهِمۡ لَوۡ ءَامَنُواْ بِٱللَّهِ وَٱلۡيَوۡمِ ٱلۡأٓخِرِ وَأَنفَقُواْ مِمَّا رَزَقَهُمُ ٱللَّهُۚ وَكَانَ ٱللَّهُ بِهِمۡ عَلِيمًا ٣٩
Wa Mādhā `Alayhim Law 'Āmanū Bil-Lahi Wa Al-Yawmi Al-'Ākhiri Wa 'Anfaqū Mimmā Razaqahumu Al-Lahu  ۚ  Wa Kāna Al-Lahu Bihim `Alīmāan
And what [harm would come] upon them if they believed in Allah and the Last Day and spent out of what Allah provided for them? And Allah is ever, about them, Knowing.
إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ لَا يَظۡلِمُ مِثۡقَالَ ذَرَّةٖۖ وَإِن تَكُ حَسَنَةٗ يُضَٰعِفۡهَا وَيُؤۡتِ مِن لَّدُنۡهُ أَجۡرًا عَظِيمٗا ٤٠
'Inna Al-Laha Lā Yažlimu Mithqāla Dharratin  ۖ  Wa 'In Taku Ĥasanatan Yuđā`ifhā Wa Yu'uti Min Ladunhu 'Ajrāan `Ažīmāan
Indeed, Allah does not do injustice, [even] as much as an atom's weight; while if there is a good deed, He multiplies it and gives from Himself a great reward.
فَكَيۡفَ إِذَا جِئۡنَا مِن كُلِّ أُمَّةِۭ بِشَهِيدٖ وَجِئۡنَا بِكَ عَلَىٰ هَٰٓؤُلَآءِ شَهِيدٗا ٤١
Fakayfa 'Idhā Ji'nā Min Kulli 'Ummatin Bishahīdin Wa Ji'nā Bika `Alá Hā'uulā' Shahīdāan
So how [will it be] when We bring from every nation a witness and we bring you, [O Muhammad] against these [people] as a witness?
يَوۡمَئِذٖ يَوَدُّ ٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ وَعَصَوُاْ ٱلرَّسُولَ لَوۡ تُسَوَّىٰ بِهِمُ ٱلۡأَرۡضُ وَلَا يَكۡتُمُونَ ٱللَّهَ حَدِيثٗا ٤٢
Yawma'idhin Yawaddu Al-Ladhīna Kafarū Wa `Aşaw Ar-Rasūla Law Tusawwá Bihimu Al-'Arđu Wa Lā Yaktumūna Al-Laha Ĥadīthāan
That Day, those who disbelieved and disobeyed the Messenger will wish they could be covered by the earth. And they will not conceal from Allah a [single] statement.
يَٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ لَا تَقۡرَبُواْ ٱلصَّلَوٰةَ وَأَنتُمۡ سُكَٰرَىٰ حَتَّىٰ تَعۡلَمُواْ مَا تَقُولُونَ وَلَا جُنُبًا إِلَّا عَابِرِي سَبِيلٍ حَتَّىٰ تَغۡتَسِلُواْۚ وَإِن كُنتُم مَّرۡضَىٰٓ أَوۡ عَلَىٰ سَفَرٍ أَوۡ جَآءَ أَحَدٞ مِّنكُم مِّنَ ٱلۡغَآئِطِ أَوۡ لَٰمَسۡتُمُ ٱلنِّسَآءَ فَلَمۡ تَجِدُواْ مَآءٗ فَتَيَمَّمُواْ صَعِيدٗا طَيِّبٗا فَٱمۡسَحُواْ بِوُجُوهِكُمۡ وَأَيۡدِيكُمۡۗ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ كَانَ عَفُوًّا غَفُورًا ٤٣
Yā 'Ayyuhā Al-Ladhīna 'Āmanū Lā Taqrabū Aş-Şalāata Wa 'Antum Sukārá Ĥattá Ta`lamū Mā Taqūlūna Wa Lā Junubāan 'Illā `Ābirī Sabīlin Ĥattá Taghtasilū  ۚ  Wa 'In Kuntum Marđá 'Aw `Alá Safarin 'Aw Jā'a 'Aĥadun Minkum Mina Al-Ghā'iţi 'Aw Lāmastumu An-Nisā' Falam Tajidū Mā'an Fatayammamū Şa`īdāan Ţayyibāan Fāmsaĥū Biwujūhikum Wa 'Aydīkum  ۗ  'Inna Al-Laha Kāna `Afūwāan Ghafūrāan
O you who have believed, do not approach prayer while you are intoxicated until you know what you are saying or in a state of janabah, except those passing through [a place of prayer], until you have washed [your whole body]. And if you are ill or on a journey or one of you comes from the place of relieving himself or you have contacted women and find no water, then seek clean earth and wipe over your faces and your hands [with it]. Indeed, Allah is ever Pardoning and Forgiving.
أَلَمۡ تَرَ إِلَى ٱلَّذِينَ أُوتُواْ نَصِيبٗا مِّنَ ٱلۡكِتَٰبِ يَشۡتَرُونَ ٱلضَّلَٰلَةَ وَيُرِيدُونَ أَن تَضِلُّواْ ٱلسَّبِيلَ ٤٤
'Alam Tara 'Ilá Al-Ladhīna 'Ūtū Naşībāan Mina Al-Kitābi Yashtarūna Ađ-Đalālata Wa Yurīdūna 'An Tađillū As-Sabīla
Have you not seen those who were given a portion of the Scripture, purchasing error [in exchange for it] and wishing you would lose the way?
وَٱللَّهُ أَعۡلَمُ بِأَعۡدَآئِكُمۡۚ وَكَفَىٰ بِٱللَّهِ وَلِيّٗا وَكَفَىٰ بِٱللَّهِ نَصِيرٗا ٤٥
Wa Allāhu 'A`lamu  ۚ  Bi'a`dā'ikum Wa Kafá Bil-Lahi Walīyāan Wa Kafá Bil-Lahi Naşīrāan
And Allah is most knowing of your enemies; and sufficient is Allah as an ally, and sufficient is Allah as a helper.
مِّنَ ٱلَّذِينَ هَادُواْ يُحَرِّفُونَ ٱلۡكَلِمَ عَن مَّوَاضِعِهِۦ وَيَقُولُونَ سَمِعۡنَا وَعَصَيۡنَا وَٱسۡمَعۡ غَيۡرَ مُسۡمَعٖ وَرَٰعِنَا لَيَّۢا بِأَلۡسِنَتِهِمۡ وَطَعۡنٗا فِي ٱلدِّينِۚ وَلَوۡ أَنَّهُمۡ قَالُواْ سَمِعۡنَا وَأَطَعۡنَا وَٱسۡمَعۡ وَٱنظُرۡنَا لَكَانَ خَيۡرٗا لَّهُمۡ وَأَقۡوَمَ وَلَٰكِن لَّعَنَهُمُ ٱللَّهُ بِكُفۡرِهِمۡ فَلَا يُؤۡمِنُونَ إِلَّا قَلِيلٗا ٤٦
Mina Al-Ladhīna Hādū Yuĥarrifūna Al-Kalima `An Mawāđi`ihi Wa Yaqūlūna Sami`nā Wa `Aşaynā Wa Asma` Ghayra Musma`in Wa Rā`inā Layyāan Bi'alsinatihim Wa Ţa`nāan Fī Ad-Dīni  ۚ  Wa Law 'Annahum Qālū Sami`nā Wa 'Aţa`nā Wa Asma` Wa Anžurnā Lakāna Khayrāan Lahum Wa 'Aqwama Wa Lakin La`anahumu Al-Lahu Bikufrihim Falā Yu'uminūna 'Illā Qalīlāan
Among the Jews are those who distort words from their [proper] usages and say, "We hear and disobey" and "Hear but be not heard" and "Ra'ina," twisting their tongues and defaming the religion. And if they had said [instead], "We hear and obey" and "Wait for us [to understand]," it would have been better for them and more suitable. But Allah has cursed them for their disbelief, so they believe not, except for a few.
يَٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ أُوتُواْ ٱلۡكِتَٰبَ ءَامِنُواْ بِمَا نَزَّلۡنَا مُصَدِّقٗا لِّمَا مَعَكُم مِّن قَبۡلِ أَن نَّطۡمِسَ وُجُوهٗا فَنَرُدَّهَا عَلَىٰٓ أَدۡبَارِهَآ أَوۡ نَلۡعَنَهُمۡ كَمَا لَعَنَّآ أَصۡحَٰبَ ٱلسَّبۡتِۚ وَكَانَ أَمۡرُ ٱللَّهِ مَفۡعُولًا ٤٧
Yā 'Ayyuhā Al-Ladhīna 'Ūtū Al-Kitāba 'Āminū Bimā Nazzalnā Muşaddiqāan Limā Ma`akum Min Qabli 'An Naţmisa Wujūhāan Fanaruddahā `Alá 'Adbārihā 'Aw Nal`anahum Kamā La`annā 'Aşĥāba As-Sabti  ۚ  Wa Kāna 'Amru Al-Lahi Maf`ūlāan
O you who were given the Scripture, believe in what We have sent down [to Muhammad], confirming that which is with you, before We obliterate faces and turn them toward their backs or curse them as We cursed the sabbath-breakers. And ever is the decree of Allah accomplished.
إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ لَا يَغۡفِرُ أَن يُشۡرَكَ بِهِۦ وَيَغۡفِرُ مَا دُونَ ذَٰلِكَ لِمَن يَشَآءُۚ وَمَن يُشۡرِكۡ بِٱللَّهِ فَقَدِ ٱفۡتَرَىٰٓ إِثۡمًا عَظِيمًا ٤٨
'Inna Al-Laha Lā Yaghfiru 'An Yushraka Bihi Wa Yaghfiru Mā Dūna Dhālika Liman Yashā'u  ۚ  Wa Man Yushrik Bil-Lahi Faqadi Aftará 'Ithmāan `Ažīmāan
Indeed, Allah does not forgive association with Him, but He forgives what is less than that for whom He wills. And he who associates others with Allah has certainly fabricated a tremendous sin.
أَلَمۡ تَرَ إِلَى ٱلَّذِينَ يُزَكُّونَ أَنفُسَهُمۚ بَلِ ٱللَّهُ يُزَكِّي مَن يَشَآءُ وَلَا يُظۡلَمُونَ فَتِيلًا ٤٩
'Alam Tara 'Ilá Al-Ladhīna Yuzakkūna 'Anfusahum  ۚ  Bali Al-Lahu Yuzakkī Man Yashā'u Wa Lā Yužlamūna Fatīlāan
Have you not seen those who claim themselves to be pure? Rather, Allah purifies whom He wills, and injustice is not done to them, [even] as much as a thread [inside a date seed].
ٱنظُرۡ كَيۡفَ يَفۡتَرُونَ عَلَى ٱللَّهِ ٱلۡكَذِبَۖ وَكَفَىٰ بِهِۦٓ إِثۡمٗا مُّبِينًا ٥٠
Anžur Kayfa Yaftarūna `Alá Al-Lahi Al-Kadhiba  ۖ  Wa Kafá Bihi 'Ithmāan Mubīnāan
Look how they invent about Allah untruth, and sufficient is that as a manifest sin.
أَلَمۡ تَرَ إِلَى ٱلَّذِينَ أُوتُواْ نَصِيبٗا مِّنَ ٱلۡكِتَٰبِ يُؤۡمِنُونَ بِٱلۡجِبۡتِ وَٱلطَّٰغُوتِ وَيَقُولُونَ لِلَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ هَٰٓؤُلَآءِ أَهۡدَىٰ مِنَ ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ سَبِيلًا ٥١
'Alam Tara 'Ilá Al-Ladhīna 'Ūtū Naşībāan Mina Al-Kitābi Yu'uminūna Bil-Jibti Wa Aţ-Ţāghūti Wa Yaqūlūna Lilladhīna Kafarū Hā'uulā' 'Ahdá Mina Al-Ladhīna 'Āmanū Sabīlāan
Have you not seen those who were given a portion of the Scripture, who believe in superstition and false objects of worship and say about the disbelievers, "These are better guided than the believers as to the way"?
أُوْلَٰٓئِكَ ٱلَّذِينَ لَعَنَهُمُ ٱللَّهُۖ وَمَن يَلۡعَنِ ٱللَّهُ فَلَن تَجِدَ لَهُۥ نَصِيرًا ٥٢
'Ūlā'ika Al-Ladhīna La`anahumu Al-Lahu  ۖ  Wa Man Yal`ani Al-Lahu Falan Tajida Lahu Naşīrāan
Those are the ones whom Allah has cursed; and he whom Allah curses - never will you find for him a helper.
أَمۡ لَهُمۡ نَصِيبٞ مِّنَ ٱلۡمُلۡكِ فَإِذٗا لَّا يُؤۡتُونَ ٱلنَّاسَ نَقِيرًا ٥٣
'Am Lahum Naşībun Mina Al-Mulki Fa'idhāan Lā Yu'utūna An-Nāsa Naqīrāan
Or have they a share of dominion? Then [if that were so], they would not give the people [even as much as] the speck on a date seed.
أَمۡ يَحۡسُدُونَ ٱلنَّاسَ عَلَىٰ مَآ ءَاتَىٰهُمُ ٱللَّهُ مِن فَضۡلِهِۦۖ فَقَدۡ ءَاتَيۡنَآ ءَالَ إِبۡرَٰهِيمَ ٱلۡكِتَٰبَ وَٱلۡحِكۡمَةَ وَءَاتَيۡنَٰهُم مُّلۡكًا عَظِيمٗا ٥٤
'Am Yaĥsudūna An-Nāsa `Alá Mā 'Ātāhumu Al-Lahu Min Fađlihi  ۖ  Faqad 'Ātaynā 'Āla 'Ibrāhīma Al-Kitāba Wa Al-Ĥikmata Wa 'Ātaynāhum Mulkāan `Ažīmāan
Or do they envy people for what Allah has given them of His bounty? But we had already given the family of Abraham the Scripture and wisdom and conferred upon them a great kingdom.
فَمِنۡهُم مَّنۡ ءَامَنَ بِهِۦ وَمِنۡهُم مَّن صَدَّ عَنۡهُۚ وَكَفَىٰ بِجَهَنَّمَ سَعِيرًا ٥٥
Faminhum Man 'Āmana Bihi Wa Minhum Man Şadda `Anhu  ۚ  Wa Kafá Bijahannama Sa`īrāan
And some among them believed in it, and some among them were averse to it. And sufficient is Hell as a blaze.
إِنَّ ٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ بِـَٔايَٰتِنَا سَوۡفَ نُصۡلِيهِمۡ نَارٗا كُلَّمَا نَضِجَتۡ جُلُودُهُم بَدَّلۡنَٰهُمۡ جُلُودًا غَيۡرَهَا لِيَذُوقُواْ ٱلۡعَذَابَۗ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ كَانَ عَزِيزًا حَكِيمٗا ٥٦
'Inna Al-Ladhīna Kafarū Bi'āyātinā Sawfa Nuşlīhim Nārāan Kullamā Nađijat Julūduhum Baddalnāhum Julūdāan Ghayrahā Liyadhūqū Al-`Adhāba  ۗ  'Inna Al-Laha Kāna `Azīzāan Ĥakīmāan
Indeed, those who disbelieve in Our verses - We will drive them into a Fire. Every time their skins are roasted through We will replace them with other skins so they may taste the punishment. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted in Might and Wise.
وَٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ وَعَمِلُواْ ٱلصَّٰلِحَٰتِ سَنُدۡخِلُهُمۡ جَنَّٰتٖ تَجۡرِي مِن تَحۡتِهَا ٱلۡأَنۡهَٰرُ خَٰلِدِينَ فِيهَآ أَبَدٗاۖ لَّهُمۡ فِيهَآ أَزۡوَٰجٞ مُّطَهَّرَةٞۖ وَنُدۡخِلُهُمۡ ظِلّٗا ظَلِيلًا ٥٧
Wa Al-Ladhīna 'Āmanū Wa `Amilū Aş-Şāliĥāti Sanudkhiluhum Jannātin Tajrī Min Taĥtihā Al-'Anhāru Khālidīna Fīhā  ۖ  'Abadāan Lahum Fīhā 'Azwājun  ۖ  Muţahharatun Wa Nudkhiluhum Žillā Žalīlāan
But those who believe and do righteous deeds - We will admit them to gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein they abide forever. For them therein are purified spouses, and We will admit them to deepening shade.
۞ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ يَأۡمُرُكُمۡ أَن تُؤَدُّواْ ٱلۡأَمَٰنَٰتِ إِلَىٰٓ أَهۡلِهَا وَإِذَا حَكَمۡتُم بَيۡنَ ٱلنَّاسِ أَن تَحۡكُمُواْ بِٱلۡعَدۡلِۚ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ نِعِمَّا يَعِظُكُم بِهِۦٓۗ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ كَانَ سَمِيعَۢا بَصِيرٗا ٥٨
'Inna Al-Laha Ya'murukum 'An Tu'uaddū Al-'Amānāti 'Ilá 'Ahlihā Wa 'Idhā Ĥakamtum Bayna An-Nāsi 'An Taĥkumū Bil-`Adli  ۚ  'Inna Al-Laha Ni`immā Ya`ižukum Bihi  ۗ  'Inna Al-Laha Kāna Samī`āan Başīrāan
Indeed, Allah commands you to render trusts to whom they are due and when you judge between people to judge with justice. Excellent is that which Allah instructs you. Indeed, Allah is ever Hearing and Seeing.
يَٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوٓاْ أَطِيعُواْ ٱللَّهَ وَأَطِيعُواْ ٱلرَّسُولَ وَأُوْلِي ٱلۡأَمۡرِ مِنكُمۡۖ فَإِن تَنَٰزَعۡتُمۡ فِي شَيۡءٖ فَرُدُّوهُ إِلَى ٱللَّهِ وَٱلرَّسُولِ إِن كُنتُمۡ تُؤۡمِنُونَ بِٱللَّهِ وَٱلۡيَوۡمِ ٱلۡأٓخِرِۚ ذَٰلِكَ خَيۡرٞ وَأَحۡسَنُ تَأۡوِيلًا ٥٩
Yā 'Ayyuhā Al-Ladhīna 'Āmanū 'Aţī`ū Al-Laha Wa 'Aţī`ū Ar-Rasūla Wa 'Ūlī Al-'Amri Minkum  ۖ  Fa'in Tanāza`tum Fī Shay'in Faruddūhu 'Ilá Al-Lahi Wa Ar-Rasūli 'In Kuntum Tu'uminūna Bil-Lahi Wa Al-Yawmi Al-'Ākhiri  ۚ  Dhālika Khayrun Wa 'Aĥsanu Ta'wīlāan
O you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. And if you disagree over anything, refer it to Allah and the Messenger, if you should believe in Allah and the Last Day. That is the best [way] and best in result.
أَلَمۡ تَرَ إِلَى ٱلَّذِينَ يَزۡعُمُونَ أَنَّهُمۡ ءَامَنُواْ بِمَآ أُنزِلَ إِلَيۡكَ وَمَآ أُنزِلَ مِن قَبۡلِكَ يُرِيدُونَ أَن يَتَحَاكَمُوٓاْ إِلَى ٱلطَّٰغُوتِ وَقَدۡ أُمِرُوٓاْ أَن يَكۡفُرُواْ بِهِۦۖ وَيُرِيدُ ٱلشَّيۡطَٰنُ أَن يُضِلَّهُمۡ ضَلَٰلَۢا بَعِيدٗا ٦٠
'Alam Tara 'Ilá Al-Ladhīna Yaz`umūna 'Annahum 'Āmanū Bimā 'Unzila 'Ilayka Wa Mā 'Unzila Min Qablika Yurīdūna 'An Yataĥākamū 'Ilá Aţ-Ţāghūti Wa Qad 'Umirū 'An Yakfurū Bihi Wa Yurīdu Ash-Shayţānu 'An Yuđillahum Đalālāan Ba`īdāan
Have you not seen those who claim to have believed in what was revealed to you, [O Muhammad], and what was revealed before you? They wish to refer legislation to Taghut, while they were commanded to reject it; and Satan wishes to lead them far astray.
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