
44th Ayah from Surah Al Muminun

ثُمَّ أَرۡسَلۡنَا رُسُلَنَا تَتۡرَاۖ كُلَّ مَا جَآءَ أُمَّةٗ رَّسُولُهَا كَذَّبُوهُۖ فَأَتۡبَعۡنَا بَعۡضَهُم بَعۡضٗا وَجَعَلۡنَٰهُمۡ أَحَادِيثَۚ فَبُعۡدٗا لِّقَوۡمٖ لَّا يُؤۡمِنُونَ ٤٤
Thumma 'Arsalnā Rusulanā Tatrā  ۖ  Kulla Mā Jā'a 'Ummatan Rasūluhā Kadhdhabūhu  ۚ  Fa'atba`nā Ba`đahum Ba`đāan Wa Ja`alnāhum 'Aĥādītha  ۚ  Fabu`dāan Liqawmin Lā Yu'uminūna

Sahih International

Then We sent Our messengers in succession. Every time there came to a nation its messenger, they denied him, so We made them follow one another [to destruction], and We made them narrations. So away with a people who do not believe.

Abdul Haleem

and We sent Our messengers in succession: whenever a messenger came to a community they invariably called him a liar, so We destroyed them one after the other and made them into cautionary tales. Away with the disbelievers!

Mohsin Khan/Hilali

Then We sent Our Messengers in succession, every time there came to a nation their Messenger, they denied him, so We made them follow one another (to destruction), and We made them as Ahadith (the true stories for mankind to learn a lesson from them). So away with a people who believe not.

Taqi Usmani

Thereafter, We sent Our messengers successively. Whenever its messenger came to a community, they rejected him. Then We made some of them follow others (in destruction) and turned them into tales (of history). So, away with a people who do not believe.


Then We sent our messengers one after another. Whenever its messenger came unto a nation they denied him; so We caused them to follow one another (to disaster) and We made them bywords. A far removal for folk who believe not!


Then sent We our messengers in succession: every time there came to a people their messenger, they accused him of falsehood: so We made them follow each other (in punishment): We made them as a tale (that is told): So away with a people that will not believe!

Listen to 44th Ayah from Surah Al Muminun
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