
224th Ayah from Surah Ash Shu'ara

وَٱلشُّعَرَآءُ يَتَّبِعُهُمُ ٱلۡغَاوُۥنَ ٢٢٤
Wa Ash-Shu`arā'u Yattabi`uhumu Al-Ghāwūna

Sahih International

And the poets - [only] the deviators follow them;

Abdul Haleem

only those who are lost in error follow the poets.

Mohsin Khan/Hilali

As for the poets, the erring follow them,

Taqi Usmani

As for the poets, they are followed by the straying people.

Listen to 224th Ayah from Surah Ash Shu'ara
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