75th Ayah from Surah Ghafir
ذَٰلِكُم بِمَا كُنتُمۡ تَفۡرَحُونَ فِي ٱلۡأَرۡضِ بِغَيۡرِ ٱلۡحَقِّ وَبِمَا كُنتُمۡ تَمۡرَحُونَ ٧٥
Dhālikum Bimā Kuntum Tafraĥūna Fī Al-'Arđi Bighayri Al-Ĥaqqi Wa Bimā Kuntum Tamraĥūna
Sahih International
[The angels will say], "That was because you used to exult upon the earth without right and you used to behave insolently.
Abdul Haleem
all because on earth you revelled in untruth and ran wild.
Mohsin Khan/Hilali
That was because you had been exulting in the earth without any right (by worshipping others instead of Allah and by committing crimes), and that you used to rejoice extremely (in your error).
Taqi Usmani
(It will be said to them,) “This is because you used to rejoice on the earth wrongfully, and because you used to show arrogance.
(And it is said unto them): This is because ye exulted in the earth without right, and because ye were petulant.
"That was because ye were wont to rejoice on the earth in things other than the Truth, and that ye were wont to be insolent.